Monday, October 17, 2011

Book Review: The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho

The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho
Book Specifications 
Original published: 1988 (Portuguese)
English translated published: 1993
Pages: 167
Parts: Contains an introduction, prologue, two parts, and an epilogue
Genera: Fiction
ISBN: 978-0-06-112241-5
My Review(Spoiler Free)
Coelho is one my favorite authors. Of the books that i've read of his, which is about three to four this has to be my favorite of his.  The way that he has Santiago, the protagonist of the story, who is a shepherd boy from Spain having reoccurring  dreams about how this treasure is waiting for him at the Egyptian pyramids.  We are taken on a journey with Santiago where he meets a handful of people on his personal journey.  Along the way we meet a gypsy women who tells Santiago his future, a man who claims to be a King and tells Santiago that he must go on his personal journey to the pyramids, an English man who is traveling to a town in the desert to find the alchemist, and we meet a girl named Fatima who Santiago ends up falling for.  This book was a complete and utter page turner from the get go, I finished it in about four hours, I couldn't put it down, even for my statistics class that I had that day ;)  What I loved about this book is that it opened my eyes to really think what am I doing in life?  I know personally that the daily bullshit that I have to deal with gets in the way that I sometimes am not able to really clear my mind and figure out what I am meant to do with my life.
My Rating
4.75 stars/ 5 stars